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My WoodWorking Onjectives:
Create wooden objects that enhance our life.   These wooden objects can provide a service or functionality, or just be pleasing to the eye.  
Safety: While building wooden objects retain all parts of our body in the same working order as when they were originally installed.   WoodWorking entails using very sharp (and frequently powerful) tools, so be careful.  
Wooden objects created should be pleasing to the eye emphasizing wood grain, color, or knots.   Wood joints may be visible but not detectable by feel.   Few or no metal connection devices (none visible).   Never reveal a plywood edge.
All of the machine drawings are done using Dia on Linux.  

I am not a great woodworker, but I'm learning.   I do hope these pages can help a few very novice woodworkers.   These are woodworking projects I have done (or am doing). For any information or comments about these pages please contact (sorry, for security reasons, our mailserver doesn't accept connections from outside the US).  

As of 03/15/18 I have upgraded to 100mb internet data rate, so these picture loaded pages should load much faster.  

If you can't access this site it's because I have blocked your net block (IPs).   Idiots are always trying to probe my server for weakness, so I just block their entire net block.   There should be NO Weaknesses but I'll just let them pound on the firewall, it ain't weak.   If you loose access to this site, email me and I'll make a hole for you.